Hey these were two sample pieces i did for Wild Storm D.C. a little while ago and OOOHHH yeah I got a gig doing my first book With Wild Storm D.C. When i found out it was like a birthday or something. This is something I had been working for for years, all those super late nights drawing my rear off after a full time job. I'm in on the book right now and it should be in previews in a couple of months! Yahoo and what an awesome way to go for a super horror nut like me. I won't ruin anything but Jason is in a huge amount of the book and he's the most fun to draw ever!!!!! Keep an eye out fot it!
Here ia few previews for the man called coffin that I'm working on with B.Clay Moore. We have the first page, the final colors on the 2 page splash and a concept design for the cover. Hope you dig!
this was the concept design for a comic I'm doing for Director Bruce McDonalds new film The Tracey Fragments staring Ellen Page who played Kitty Pride in X-men. This film is wonderfully experimental and the comic will adapt film elements mixed with sements of the novel by Maureen Medved. The comic will be handed out while going into the film. Hope you guys like. It will be my most experimental work yet. you can view the trailer on youtube just type in the tracey fragments and it will pop up!!!
O.K. the movie was weak but let me tell you every time the ghost rider was on screen I freaked out. Here is a little fun one I did after the film. Being a low rider myself Ghost rider always been my favorite Marvel character.
Hey yall! these were Canete inspired 90 minute drawings. Of course the color had nothing to do with the time limit but I wanted to see how they'd look.
Andy Belanger works as a freelance cartoonist/illustrator out of the Montreal-based Studio Lounak. He does work in the mainstream comic market, plus a wide variety of work for the Canadian Film and Television industry. In the mainstream comic market, Andy has worked for such comic publishers as D.C. comics, Wildstorm, Devil's Due, and Boom! He is the artist on IDW’s 4 volume adventure title Kill Shakespeare.The series has garnered glowing reviews—The New York Times described it as “gripping, violent and dark fun.” In early December, acclaimed Broadway and Hollywood director Julie Taymor mentioned Kill Shakespeare on ‘The Colbert Report’ and Colbert replied, “Make that movie!” For D.C. Comics' Andy has recently worked on “SWAMPTHING” with Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire and is the creator of the DC digital comic series, Bottle of Awesome and the self published series Black Church. Plus the Artist on the new Series "SOUTHERN CROSS" for IMAGE comics. He loves Dogs, cats and anything involving monsters.
Contact me at-